Thursday, May 7, 2020

User Activity On A System Case Study - 738 Words

User activity on a system is a crucial task to be tracked. The main memory and the virtual memory is being used while the activity is continued. This ongoing activity contains traces of data accessed in the virtual memory which last while the computer is running. Various users logging in to a system use different types of applications and acquire different types of resources at a single time. Hence, it becomes difficult for the OS sometimes to predict the requirements of the user for respective resources and to follow the user’s activity trend. As mentioned above, we aim to work on the analysis of how the user acquires resources of the system at runtime. For this purpose, we will use unsupervised deep learning. Unsupervised learning is a†¦show more content†¦So each hidden layer going further into the network is a non-linear combination of the layers below it, because of all the combining and recombining of the outputs from all the previous units in combination with their activation functions. So when optimization is applied each layer becomes optimally weighted and non-linear projection for the next layer giving information to it to be carried further. Therefore, on the basis of above analysis the weights on the outer layer of unsupervised learning will be used as the output for prediction of future activity of user. 2.2 Why Deep Learning? 2.2.1. Algorithms and Approaches 2.2.2. How artificial intelligences works? 2.3 Previous Work As it is a research based project, not much work has been done in this field previously. The closest approach could be considered Live Data Forensic System. The tools like Volatity and DumpIt were available through which the most volatile data and the memory image was taken of the operating system and data pre-processing and acquisition was made possible. Our approach includes: †¢ data gathering †¢ development of model †¢ training the model and †¢ testing the model 2.4 Significance On a computer system, different types of users have different ways of utilizing the OS and the resources provided. Some users may prefer using audio/video files while some would prefer working on word documents for a longerShow MoreRelatedChange Management And Project Management1426 Words   |  6 PagesBoth surveys determined that the participants had a better and a common understanding the definition and value for change management. Change management and project management were integrated by 71% of the Prosci study participants on their projects. This ensured higher effectiveness of change management and higher likelihood of meeting project objectives. 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